Traveller Details

- Name:Alex Smith
- Phone:+ 00 222 44 5678
- Country:Australia
- City:Sydney
- Address:Collins Street West, Victoria 8007,Australia.
- Status:
Passport Details
- Surname:Alex
- Given Name:Smith
- Sex:M
- Date of Birth:Jun 03 1986
- Date of Issue:Jun 11 2004
- Date of Expiry:Dec 31 2020
- Passport Number:928321921
- Issuing Post Name:London
- Nationality:England
Emergency Contact Details
- Emergency Contact:Adi Purdila
- Address:New York, United States
- Phone Number:+ 00 222 44 5678
Insurance Details
- Insurance Company:Pioneer Insurance Company Limited
- Insurance Policy No:12901321098
- Company
- Company Phone:+ 00 222 44 5678
Type | Title | Location | Order Date | Expire Date | Price | Status | Action |
Flight |
London to New York City |
New York City | 30/6/2020 | 2/6/2020 | $350 | Pending |
Car |
Mercedes-Benz A 200 CDI |
Greater London, United Kingdom | 30/6/2020 | 2/6/2020 | $350 | Completed |
Tour |
InterContinental New York Barclay |
Istanbul , Turkey | 30/6/2020 | 2/6/2020 | $350 | Delayed |
Cruise |
5 Nights Bermuda Cruise |
Miami, Florida | 30/6/2020 | 2/6/2020 | $350 | On schedule |
Hotel |
Melia White House Hotel |
Boston, Massachusetts | 30/6/2020 | 2/6/2020 | $350 | Completed |
Tour |
Hut on Blue Water Beach Tour |
124 Nevada, Las Vegas | 30/6/2020 | 2/6/2020 | $350 | Completed |
Flight |
Rome to Australia |
New York City | 30/6/2020 | 2/6/2020 | $350 | Completed |
Invoice | Title | Location | Order Date | Expire Date | Price | Status |
51372 |
London to New York City |
New York City | 30/6/2020 | 2/6/2020 | $350 | Pending |
51373 |
Mercedes-Benz A 200 CDI |
Greater London, United Kingdom | 30/6/2020 | 2/6/2020 | $350 | Completed |
51396 |
InterContinental New York Barclay |
Istanbul , Turkey | 30/6/2020 | 2/6/2020 | $350 | Delayed |
51397 |
5 Nights Bermuda Cruise |
Miami, Florida | 30/6/2020 | 2/6/2020 | $350 | On schedule |
51398 |
Melia White House Hotel |
Boston, Massachusetts | 30/6/2020 | 2/6/2020 | $350 | Completed |
51399 |
Hut on Blue Water Beach Tour |
124 Nevada, Las Vegas | 30/6/2020 | 2/6/2020 | $350 | Completed |
51400 |
Rome to Australia |
New York City | 30/6/2020 | 2/6/2020 | $350 | Completed |
Invoice | Title | Price | Payment Method | Payment Date | Status |
51372 |
London to New York City |
$350 | PayPal | 30/5/2020 | Pending |
51372 |
London to New York City |
$350 | Credit Card | 30/5/2020 | Completed |
51372 |
London to New York City |
$350 | Payoneer | 30/5/2020 | Completed |
51372 |
London to New York City |
$350 | Skrill | 30/5/2020 | Completed |
51372 |
London to New York City |
$350 | PayPal | 30/5/2020 | On hold |
51372 |
London to New York City |
$350 | PayPal | 30/5/2020 | Pending |
51372 |
London to New York City |
$350 | PayPal | 30/5/2020 | Completed |
51372 |
London to New York City |
$350 | PayPal | 30/5/2020 | Completed |
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